
There’s nothing like the experience of an exhibition – and I’ve had many throughout the years. As an artist, exhibitions are an amazing opportunity to broaden my understanding of my own art, as well as share everything I’ve discovered with others, including the raw emotion contained within my pieces. During these exhibitions, I have the chance to receive feedback and hear others interpretations of my work. This, in turn, allows me to develop my own interpretations and push my art in different, unique directions going forward.

I focus on the magic of photography and the emotions that a single photo or drawing can spark, as well as its interactions with text. I play with different photos, words, writing styles and fonts to convey my feelings, as well as to provoke thought.

First exhibition – 2012

First exibition was in 2012, in Latvija, Riga-“Composers community”(In cooperation with artist Edmunds Luce)There was representive ours art works with a mixed technic,there was used my photos and writing fonts.



(fair for contemporary art)

Being Social 2013


“Luce” (2013)

Venecia, Palazzo delle Prigioni

“ATTACH” (2014)

“LPB Bank” Riga, Latvia

“ArtAlea Code” (2016)